OOPS - Didn't put this in with the control explanation - "r" resets the level!

(WIP) This was a cool project to work on, and I learned a lot during the process. I'd like to add more levels and some extra mechanics; there are a lot of cool possibilities. Some stuff was left out due to time constraints, as of course things took way longer than expected. There are a couple of glitchy things, hopefully that does not break the game too badly in any spots. Enjoy! 

Still having issues getting it to render at full resolution and the proper aspect ratio. I have learned that how the camera looks in the editor is not necessarily how it will look in the build. This was not an issue in my previous games because I used more standard aspect ratios. It may look a little bit fuzzy in the player. If you fullscreen it will display at full resolution but the aspect ratio will most likely be squished/stretched depending on your monitor.

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